John Edwards, former Democratic presidential candidate, finally admitted Thursday that he fathered a child during an affair before his second White House bid, dropping long-standing denials just ahead of a book by a former campaign aide who initially took the fall.
Edwards released a statement admitting paternity of the girl, Frances Quinn Hunter, who was born in 2008 to videographer Rielle Hunter as the result of an affair Edwards has already confessed to.
Edward said, "It was wrong for me to ever deny she was my daughter." He added that, "I am Quinn's father, and I have been providing financial support for the child and mother.”

Andrew Young, former Edwards’s aide, is expected to describe how Edwards worked to hide his paternity with his help. Young would released a book about the whole saga on February 2, 2010
Frances Quinn Hunter was born Feb. 27, 2008; this is an indication that the pregnancy if Quinn was conceived in the middle of 2007. During this period, John and Elizabeth Edwards renewed their wedding vows in July of 2007 to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.
Michael Critchley, Hunter's lawyer, said the John’s admission is "good for everyone."
Culled from Associated Press
2 Feedback:
John Edwards is a poor excuse for a man. I can not believe he denied this child.
I do not know why he denied his illicit relationship with lady and his responsibility to be a good father. John Ewards was almost considered for the Vice President slot. What a shame
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