Prisoners in an Indian state who attend yoga classes will be freed early because the lessons improve self-control and lessen aggression, authorities said on Thursday.
For every three months spent doing sun salutations, deep breathing exercises and balance postures, a prisoner will get 15 days off their sentence, Madhya Pradesh state's inspector general of prisons told AFP.
"Yoga is good for maintaining fitness, calming the behaviour,controlling anger and reducing stress," Sanjay Mane said.
"When a prisoner attends yoga sessions and fulfils some other conditions, he will be considered for a remission if his jail superintendent recommends his case."
Attending literacy classes and earning college degrees would also bolster a prisoner's case for early release, Mane said.
About 400 prisoners have signed up for the pilot programme at Gwaliorcity jail.
Ifeyinka: I think there are some things the American Prison System could learn from Indian system in terms of correction facility administration. The taxpayers money spent on these inmates could have been channeled to better missions." I discovered recently that most prisons are privately run in the U.S. and this is one of the reasons why the men are kept in the system for unnecessary prolonged jail terms.
1 Feedback:
This is animal cruelty. I think there are other ways she should have instill discipline in her kid but killing an animal is out of it.
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